Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Was this rude to do to my husband?

So, today I went and got a facial -- over my hubby's objection (he said it's a waste of $$$), and I was pissed because my hubbs did not want me to go. So, to get back @ him, I played a trick on him. I put on one of those skin cleansing masks -- the clear kind that you leave on your face and then peal off. When he got home from work, I was wearing the mask (he couldnt' tell). Anyway, we were eating dinner, and I started picking at the mask and started totally acting like I was FREAKING OUT because my skin was pealing off!! LOL Anyway, he totally fell for it and was like "NO NO NO NO!!!!" I acted like I was in such horrible pain, etc. He got me in the car and we were halfway to the hospital when I told him it was all a joke. Now he won't talk to me -- what I can do I get him to get over it?? I offered to give him a bj, but he was all pouty about it. Such a girl. What to do???


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